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5 Strategies of digital storytelling

5 strategies of digital storytelling

So hello guys good morning Rajesh sangwan this said Son of a great parents husband okay Superwoman starting my career from network marketing

than turns into tiles business then turns into real estate business now a real estate businessman importer exporter a digital marketer founder of website

You should follow these 5 strategies of digital storytelling

1. Right audience/ relevant story

You have to decide the audience for your story.

For example:

You watch my videos and you share with other people

So, you should not only watch these videos but also share them with others so they can also gain knowledge from the videos.

You can implement this knowledge and grow your business and others can also do the same.

End-results of storytelling:

Consume and leave


You should focus on end-result where the consumer not only consumes the content but also shares it. So, you should decide the right audience before storytelling.

2. Create relatable story

You can create a relatable story about:




Personal experience

When people relate to your story, you can grab their interest and attention.

3. Research and prepare before presentation

For example:

Many of people watch and share the videos of Rajesh sangwan

It is because he does research and preparation before his presentation.

4. Write a script

When you make a video, you are sharing your life message with the audience. So, you should write a script and it should have:




Working experience

Divide script in small tales

Divide long script in small parts

If you speak too many things at a time, customer will hear everything but he/she might not be able to retain anything.

5. Call to action

You should provide a call to action in your digital story.

Thus, you should implement all these 5 points to make your video go viral.

Key Learnings

Do research to solve the burning problem of your customers

Focus on end-result where consumer not only consumes the content but also shares it

Provide a call to action in your digital story

Divide long script in small parts

so thank you so much for reading my blog of 5 strategies of digital storytelling this is Rajesh sangwan son of great parents husband of a superwoman starting my career from network marketing then turns into tiles business then turns into real estate business now digital marketer founder of Welcome all of you so how do you like this Story please comment Please Subscribe my channel thank you so much

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